A Tale of Two Cities

My heart is in two cities - Grahamstown, South Africa and Edinburgh, Scotland. God, send me!

17 August 2005

Son Shining

I had the most marvellous day today. I woke up and the sun was shining through the window, and I felt peaceful - a foreign feeling - and just happy to be alive. I spent an hour or two curled up with tea and "How the Scots invented the Modern World" - a gloriously biased version of a gloriously fascinating history of the Scots. Then I walked the festive streets, thinking carefully about my next move, as I had been told that disclosures can take up to six weeks. An idea greatly repulsive to somebody with no money etc etc.

When I got home I had a phone call from the nursery. My disclosure miraculously came through in ten days and could I start work on Monday??

You know who's in charge, even in Edinburgh? The Lord Jesus Christ.


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