A Tale of Two Cities

My heart is in two cities - Grahamstown, South Africa and Edinburgh, Scotland. God, send me!

31 July 2005

Movie Review: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

I walked out of this movie. Well, then, I walked back in again, because six quid is a lot of money to walk out on. But the principle remains. I walked out.

I reckon Tim Burton was the perfect director for Roald Dahl - the set was great! The story line was great! The kids were great! But Willy Wonka was TERRIBLE!! Unless I totally missed the point when I read the book as a child, this is not the Willy Wonka I remember. I guess a break from the original could be forgiven, but in itself this characterisation of Wonka was painful. He is a giggling, effeminate, childish, sad little man. I suppose a point was made regarding fatherlessness.

But all the children in the cinema needed a HERO. The world needs heroes.


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