A Tale of Two Cities

My heart is in two cities - Grahamstown, South Africa and Edinburgh, Scotland. God, send me!

31 July 2005

The Lord who Sustains

Today I visited Destiny Church Edinburgh. How awesome! During the p and w, I had a more than vague thought that church planting is tough, and life is a lot easier if you can slip into ready-made, someone else bust their back churches. The sermon was really encouraging - a young Scottish pastor with a true pastoring gift. At the altar call, 2 people got saved, and they were the strangers on either side of me. I got very choked up - the miracle of salvation really is a miracle, I remembered again.

Church this evening was great too. Everyone is really encouraging me re: my jobless state - "Oh don't worry, we've been here since February and we don't have jobs yet!" But seriously, they are encouraging me. I had fish and chips with Jana after church. She laid out some simple truth. God has called you here. He doesn't make mistakes. He loves you. He is sovereign. He hasnae forgotten you.

I know one thing. I am being so humbled. I am realising that humility has levels and they go down. I'm not the canny, in-control, organised, sensible Christian grown up I thought I was. I remain standing only by the grace of God.


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