A Tale of Two Cities

My heart is in two cities - Grahamstown, South Africa and Edinburgh, Scotland. God, send me!

12 March 2005

A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities

Little me is lost in world of cyberspace, desperately trying to remember passwords and click on the right thing! Hope this works! I have been challenged by fellow blogger-best-friend Shirley Hobson to get my act together and post my news! So, not much has been happening recently... um... Year of Your Life is GREAT, IF you make sure you take Thursdays off! It's so awesome to know that I'm doing things which are forever, literally, eternal. sheesh. This weekend is really quiet - I'm working three shifts at the library, and in between (this afternoon) we are having our first CReAtive WoRShip meeting. Am really nervous because it's auditions. But not really auditions in front of Romona and Dean, in the REAL sense of things - it's offerings of worship for the King of Kings. I thought about doing a dance, but I couldn't get hold of the CD I wanted... so... I wrote. Finally wrote out something which has been hovering in my head for months. It's not original or even very revelationary, but it means a lot to me and to my God. I'll put it here soon!